Indie Pop-Rock Outfit Take Two: Taking Things to the Next Level


If you’re looking to keep up with the next big thing in our music scene, Take Two might be the ones who can hold that title.

The first I ever heard of these guys was a few years ago – I was helping out with the recording of their original demos, and was immensely impressed by them. Not only were their songs catchy and contemporary, their skills were top-notch. It only took a couple of takes per instrument to lay the songs down, and trust me when I say that there are plenty of other bands who’ve taken hours just to record a single guitar track.

In a time when songwriting makes more difference in a song’s popularity than musicians’ skills, you must be wondering why I’m even talking about the band’s musicianship. Let me put it simply: knowing that a band has all their chops down guarantees that watching them live will leave you in absolute awe.

Trust me, it makes a whole lot of difference. Watching bootlegs on YouTube can tell you that much.

Now that we’ve gotten my faith in their musicianship out of the way, let’s get onto the good stuff.

Take Two… Who?

If you’re a fan of Brit-infused indie pop-rock, you’ll love that Take Two is playing. They cite The Killers, Two Door Cinema Club, The Wombats, Last Dinosaurs and Bombay Bicycle Club as their main influences. Salivating already? There’s more.

These guys are pretty young, just formed in late 2012. From then till now, they’ve managed to get themselves in huge gigs, including the Chiang Mai Music Festival 2014, the FEYST 2013 Indie Youth Festival in Kuala Lumpur, NOISE Singapore‘s 2013 Showcase and even SGMUSO‘s first ever House Party, where the lineup included The Sam Willows, Charles Lim and even Kevin Lester. They didn’t have to take two years to get there, that’s for sure!

Take Two, Part Two


After all that gigging, Take Two is finally about to release their debut EP, and they’re giving us a sneak preview of their single, ‘Ariel‘, about the possibilities of finding love while riding the MRT. Talk about endless possibilities – now I know why guys lean their entire bodies on the vertical poles in the train. You’d lose your balance more easily and they’d be all ready to catch you.

I’ll have to give Ariel a more thorough listen when it’s released, because people I know usually just find another spot in the train to stand at. The guys tend to smell from all that Singapore heat, too. How ah?

Take Two, Peekaboo

… just because that heading rhymes. If you want to keep a lookout for what Take Two have in store for you for the rest of the year, I’ve got the scoop on it!

1. Official Release of Ariel: will be on 19th May, and below’s the preview! It was recorded and produced by the awesome Roland Lim. You’ll find the links to their various social media pages at the end of this article, so that you know where to look once it’s out!

2. Music Matters 2014: This would be the best time to watch Take Two – amongst other talented music acts! These guys have conveniently done up a little time table for us to refer to:


3. Other Appearances: Take Two is one of the bands announced under the NOISE Singapore Mentorship Programme, and they’ll be working with the legendary Great Spy Experiment’s frontman Saiful Idris. Besides that, in August 2014 they’ll also be playing for the Ecopop Festival in Madrid, Spain. How cool is that?

Cool enough in my books. Hook up with them at any of the links below:


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