Among most The Final 1 contestants post-show, none have been as lucky as Hashy Yusof in getting her big break. Talent-spotted early on by MTV Asia’s Project Co:lab — a Lenovo-comissioned project that puts together Asia’s upcoming artists to produce an original song and music video — Hashy has now come out with her new music video for Faking Fires, the song produced from the project.
Project Co:lab is a contest to discover Asia’s most talented musical millenials in four categories: DJs, Vocalists/Instrumentalists, Film Makers and Motion Graphic Artists.
Singapore emerged a winner in the DJ category courtesy of Nick Chan, whose track “Murmur” captured the hustle and bustle of the city-state through the electro instrumentals. The other winners are Yuji Mitsuhashi (Japan), Ron Roumsub (Thailand) and Karan Bedi (India).
The video is themed “Pulse of the World”, with Nick composing and producing the music track for the video.
Hashy is also now doing gigs with Final 1 alum Marc Than. We hope to hear more great things from Hashy and the other Final 1 contestants.
Watch the music video below: