AI-Powered Digital Companions Teletubbies Joins Metapals – Popspoken

AI-Powered Digital Companions Teletubbies Joins Metapals


Spending too much time glued to your screen at work? Now you can merge it with digital fun, as these cartoon delights weave childhood memories into digital spheres. A new era of companionship has been launched under Max Giammario’s leadership.

Together with his co-founder Daryl Lim, they have launched, MetaPals, a Singapore-based company focused on creating AI digital companions that integrate seamlessly with users’ daily lives, akin to having a pet, extensive research undertaken by the company has been shown that such digital companions can significantly reduce loneliness, particularly in remote working environments.

These digital companions provide a sense of presence, assist with daily tasks and enhance overall well-being, all whilst leveraging on advanced technologies like blockchain and AI to foster emotional connections for users. Australian born Giammario’s broader vision for MetaPals includes developing engaging and interactive digital pets that help users navigate the complexities of the metaverse, that boomed during the pandemic, as well as the nascent blockchain space.

Most recently, they have collaborated with licensing partner WildBrain’s beloved Teletubbies to merge cherished childhood memories with the innovative digital era. As Teletubbies commemorate their 27th anniversary, this collaboration marks the start of an exciting array of renowned IPs joining the ‘MetaPals Multiverse’ in 2024. Utilizing AI and blockchain technology, the endearing characters Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa, Po, and even Noo-Noo, have become personalized, evolving digital companions within the MetaPals browser extension game engine, complete with the classic Teletubbies tunes.

These Teletubbies characters integrate seamlessly with users’ daily browsing experiences, offering playful interactions and practical assistance.

We speak with Max to find out more about how technology brings out interactive ways for these fun characters to foster a sense of companionship.

Popspoken: How does Metapals enhance users’ daily lives when providing continuous engagement?

Max: MetaPals enhances users’ daily lives by providing continuous engagement with AI companions. These companions spend an average of 5 hours per day on each user’s screen, accompanying them throughout their day-to-day work and study life. Integrated on top of users’ screens, they not only provide a sense of presence but also act as interactive personal assistants, helping users manage schedules, set reminders and access information.

MetaPals’ upcoming updates to its edutech characters also make learning engaging by delivering educational content through interactive mini-games and quizzes tailored to the users’ preferences and needs. This is all supported by the extensive user research studies the team has conducted, particularly focusing on the impact that caretaking games and virtual pets have on mental health and well-being.

The company is now in an official research collaboration with Nanyang Technological University to study the emotional connections formed with our virtual companions. Taking this one step further, the partnerships with popular characters (from Hello Kitty to Teletubbies) leverage these emotional connections, making digital interactions more personal and enjoyable. All these elements combined result in a daily AI companion with which users can truly form deeply meaningful friendships.

Popspoken: Please share some preventative social applications relied upon to produce MetaPals?

Max: MetaPals leverages a wealth of mental health and productivity apps, optimized and retrofitted into its AI companions. From screen time habits to parental controls and community-building features, they all assist firstly on the individual level, and then on the societal level by connecting like-minded people and providing the tools that users need packaged into one AI companion, rather than separated across multiple apps.

Each Teletubbies companion within the MetaPals Multiverse will exhibit unique personality traits, providing users with a diverse and dynamic experience. With personalities distributed across 5000+ Teletubby companions along a spectrum, users are guaranteed a one-of-a-kind experience, ensuring enjoyment for all and opportunities to foster new connections with this nostalgic brand.

Start your Metapals experience today by adopting your very own digital companion starting from USD 9.90 and discovering more here.
