Rawness of Emotion Provoked in David Chan's Works


David Chan is a man who shared an affinity with animals since a young age. Growing up, he lived with a stable of pets, from dogs to hamsters; something which drives his creative process till this day.

The distinct rawness in his works, coupled with a subtle surreal quality, provoke thought in his audience, who are drawn into his dreamscape where animals take on humanist qualities or are appropriated to half-man, half-animal forms. Portrayed as though they all have a different story to tell.

These days, he has little time for pets as the bulk of his free time is spent with his 2 beloved daughters. But that doesn’t stop him from narrating stories through animals, which he uses as metaphors for thoughts or situations he wants to provoke about the human condition. In “Can the Real Creator Please Stand Up” (2003), he questions the existence of mankind and what our origins are, and executes it in a representational style with refined mastery of the use of oil. His other works confront a variety of topics such as schizophrenia in urban settings, because to him, the day-to-day everyday superficial interactions among the working crowd belie a deeper human connection we all share.

Famed philosopher, Wittgenstein once said: “If a lion could talk, we could not understand him.” Beyond interactions of the verbal. are physical manifestations that might reveal our underlying, innermost discomforts, something he hopes to stir up when people look at his work.

Check out David’s works at Art Seasons Gallery’s booth at Art Stage Singapore happening from 21 – 24 January 2016. 


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