Ben Elton: Sharp, Satirical and Not Just for Boomers


The Authentic Stupidity comedy tour dives into the absurdities of modern life with his signature satirical style, bringing a mix of social critique, self-deprecation and reflective humor.

At 65, Elton packs his act with youthful energy, tackling heavy topics like euthanasia with a light, absurdist touch, even as he champions the right to choose one’s own path. The central idea of his show is that society is being eroded not so much by AI but by “authentic stupidity”—our own human foolishness that eclipses advancements in intelligence.

Fresh off his new tour, we speak to Elton as he pokes fun at everything from movies, to the increasingly “stupid” language of therapy-speak, even to death’s encounters with consumer culture—imagine trying to rate your final meal with granny on a five-star scale. Elton doesn’t shy from addressing big changes in identity politics, cultural sensitivity, and generational divides, though he’s careful to bring an empathetic angle, respecting new cultural shifts while critiquing how they sometimes play out.

Popspoken: How has the global comedic landscape changed since you last toured, especially with emerging technologies like AI reshaping culture and entertainment?

Ben: Actually it’s a great time to be a live act. So far live entertainment is one area where people are still better than machines (go figure). I loved ABBA voyage but I’d a million times rather see the real thing, even old and wrinkly! I am finding stand up comedy a more vibrant and exhilarating form than ever. In a
world where people are mainly staring at their phones going out and laughing together is almost like a celebration. It’s my job to make that laughter happen!

Popspoken: You’re known for tackling social and public interest topics in your shows. With AI becoming a hot-button issue, do you see parallels between AI’s rise and other societal changes you’ve discussed in your earlier work?

Ben: Well look can I make it clear my show isn’t about Artificial Intelligence, the title Authentic Stupidity was a play on AI for sure but honestly I could have called any of my shows Authentic Stupidity because what I’m doing is exploring the glorious absurdity of being human. That’s what comedy is for.

Popspoken: Your comedy has always been distinctly British, with sharp cultural and political references. As you take Authentic Stupidity on a global tour, including Singapore, how do you adjust your material for international audiences while keeping that quintessentially British humor? Further, how do you think Authentic Stupidity reflects these traditions, and do you find that these comedic elements resonate with non-British audiences, particularly in places like Singapore?

Ben: Honestly my comedy is mainly universal. I do a few specific political or social aware gags but on the whole I’m talking about the human condition, our fears, our vanity, our frustrations, our foibles our shared experiences and those are universal. We’re all the same under the skin. I don’t seem my comedy as particularly British, my Dad was a refugee. I’m a citizen of the world and comedy is universal and the
only barrier is language. You do have to speak English to enjoy my gig!

Popspoken: Given that the UK has its own unique quirks, how do you think British ‘humour’ compares to the rest of the world’s? Does Britain have its own flavor of authentic stupidity or ‘humour’ that you find especially amusing or frustrating?

Ben: On the whole I don’t think true comedy runs on national lines. But having said that I often think that the difference between British and American humour is that we tend to celebrate the un-cool in comedy. In Amerillica even when a comic character is supposed to be a nerd underneath he’s still good looking and cool like Ross in Friends but you could never call Basil Fawlty, David Brent or Blackadder cool. Of course there are many exceptions because frankly you can’t really analyse comedy.

Popspoken: From Saturday Live to your latest comedic tour, you’ve had a long and dynamic career in stand- up comedy. How does it feel to be back on stage tackling these big themes and what excites you most about performing in Singapore for the first time?

Ben: I am so lucky that as a writer I get the opportunity go to go out and play live. Not many writers get that chance and I treasure it. Normally I’m sat behind a desk, writing novels or plays or TV to an anonymous audience but when I tour I am absolutely in the room with the people I’m trying to entertain, it’s my job to engage directly with the imagination of every single individual in the house.

That’s such a challenge but also a great privilege. And of course the chance to do it a little outside my comfort zone (ie playing in a I country – Singapore for instance – where I’m not so well known) is scary but also exciting! Bring it on!

Popspoken: The fear of AI replacing human creativity is growing. As someone who has been a creative force in comedy, writing, and TV for decades, what are your thoughts on the possibility of AI encroaching into comedy or the arts? Do you think AI could ever replace human absurdity and wit?

Ben: I just don’t know. I used to think no, that it could never ever do what humans can do but now having seen some deep fake stuff, I’m actually scared. I wish those tech geniuses had left well alone. The Ancient Greeks bequeathed us the story of Pandora’s Box for a reason.

Popspoken: How does writing for stand-up comedy performance differ from your other forms of creative works or writing, especially when addressing complex themes like AI and societal stupidity?

Ben: Well of course the big diffrence is that when I write my stand up, it’s entirely subjective, it’s me raw, ‘standing in my truth’ as Gen Z say. I’m passionate about ever comic ri I write and deliver. With a novel or a musical or a sit com I’m writing at one remove but with Stand Up putting myself right at the
sharp end.

Authentic Stupidity happening on 10 December 2024 (Tue), 8:00PM, Venue: The Theatre at Mediacorp. Ticket prices from $108.

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