We’ve moved on into the era of Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, and the likes, but have we forgotten the classic pop hits that filled our Disc/Walkmans in the 90s, or will they always occupy a special place in our heart?
At a press conference held yesterday, Shane shared with us his inspirations and feelings about starting out solo, a far cry from last being in Singapore 2 years ago for Westlife’s farewell concert. Although he’s back to square one on his very first album, Shane Filan is no stranger to the music industry, having released 12 albums in 14 years as part of renowned boyband (now disbanded) Westlife.
Shane describes his first album as “honest, positive, and mainly about love songs.. with his wife being his greatest inspiration.” Not much of a fan of fictional song-writing, he chooses to write about optimistic and positive feelings in his life that “naturally flows lyrically” out of him. Although song-writing is new to him, he feels that it is a “bonus to something he never knew he had in (him)”. His latest album, comprising mainly love songs, are songs that “make (him) happy and songs (he) hopes to make other people happy.”

It’s great to be in love – and thats the backbone of my whole album.”
The main message ‘You and Me’ sends is positivity – Shane has been through some great challenges (i.e. being declared bankrupt after falling victim to the Irish property crash), but unlike other singers who write about their negative emotions, he chooses to stay positive, writing love songs as a form of therapy that makes him recollect his happy memories, citing the fact that “everybody in life worries about stuff, and that’s never going to change. But its important to be happy in life and remain optimistic, being happy and healthy.”
‘You and Me’ was inspired by his wife, Gillian – whom most of his songs in ‘You and Me’ are written about – and his top hit, “Everything to Me”. Although he writes his feelings in his songs, he hopes that they mean something to people as well as everybody has been in love, in one way or other.

When asked how he balances his family and career, Shane humorously joked that “as long as (he) brings back a new type of sweet each time for his kids…”, then switched to a more serious note and reiterated that his family is understanding of his career and “(his) wife is amazing.. she holds the forte back in London, tells (him) to go and sing, and she’ll look after the rest”.
At a listen to some of the songs, one can tell the genuine affection Shane has for his wife and kids, and this was evident in the press conference – where he spoke out on his heartfelt feelings that touched the hearts of the audience. Everything came out rather naturally, unlike other celebrities who simply recite a script that their PR consultants constructed.
Having been married for 10 years and been together for 16 years, Shane constantly mentioned Gillian in his credits and inspiration, and briefly spoke about their mutual understanding, respect, and open relationship (he can’t keep any secrets from her). To him, she is the “most incredible woman, perfect woman” and he “loves her unconditionally”. Shane also cites the importance of mutual respect in a relationship, and effort to make a relationship work, such as surprising her with a bunch of flowers, or little things that may be insignificant to most people but means something to her. He also tries to make an effort to do little things like go for an ice cream together with his wife and kids at least twice a week.
Sounds like perfect husband material? Ohhhhhh yes.
Instagram: @shanefilanmusic
Photo credits – press conference: Swee (Popspoken)