22 Jump Street: The Best Medicine – Popspoken

22 Jump Street: The Best Medicine


We all know how comedy movie sequels can either be hits or misses – there have been many that try to make references to the first movie so frequently that they’re practically repeating all their jokes, or the writers are just in denial that they’d already used their best stuff in the first instalments.

But then there’s 22 Jump Street.

Its predecessor was just released two years ago in 2012, and was hilarious. This sequel makes a ton of references to the previous storyline, to the point where you might get a little lost at the start of the movie. Fortunately, the writers of 22 Jump Street managed to do it in such a way that anyone – even a Jump Street virgin – would have left the theatre in stitches from all the laughing.

22 Jump Street basically has the undercover duo – Schmidt and Jenko, played by Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum – in college, looking to bust a drug ring before the drug goes viral around the world. We all know how hilarious comedies set in college can be, but the humour was really taken to a whole new with Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum as the main characters. Simply put, these guys managed to turn what would have been an okay, mediocre comedy into a full-fledged five-star laugh-inducing flick. Jonah Hill somehow seems to be able to up his game even when you think he’s already the funniest anyone can ever be, and Channing Tatum has got the whole air-headed jock thing down to the T.

We’ve got to give some kudos to Ice Cube as well. While he wasn’t all that frequently on screen, he definitely made the best of every moment he was. The other characters were awesome as well, but I’ve got to give lots of credit to Jillian Bell (from the movie Workaholics). She was so fantastic in the execution of her role, and was part of one of the funniest moments in the movie.

Basically I’ve only got one thing to say about this movie: Watch it. You won’t regret it one bit.
