Baey Yam Keng Is Our Selfie Crush: Here Are His 10 Hottest Selcas – Popspoken

Baey Yam Keng Is Our Selfie Crush: Here Are His 10 Hottest Selcas


Slowly but surely, politicians are beginning to jump on the social media bandwagon. However, no one has come as close to the ultimate social media indulgence — taking a selfie — than Member of Parliament Baey Yam Keng.

In fact, we’d like to crown him as our selfie crush.

From the slight pout to the come-hither eyes and the top-down camera angles, Baey’s selca skills will probably put the most hardcore of XMMs (xiao mei mei-s) and good-lookers to shame. He even posts pics of him sweating it out at the gym. Talk about sizzlin’.

We’ve rounded up the hottest 10 selfies by the man himself from his Instagram profile, which is worth every bit the follow if you are into pictures of good local food and him meeting his constituency’s residents.

But first, the selcas.

10. He’s “working in the parliament library today” but Baey is definitely WERKIN DAT SMIZE.

9. This is his Iron Man mask from a cosplay event. 10 points for street cred.

8. Don’t you always wish you could pull off a post-run selca like this and still look oh-so-cool?

7. Ladies and gents, THIS is how you do the top-down camera angle. Does he or does he not bite his lip? OOOOH, THE TENSION.

6. He’s wearing this for National Day. Also, this is what he should wear every time he meets the parents.

5. #beastmode #beastmode #beastmode

4. Mask shot, absolutely necessary.

3. OMG GUYS HE TAKES PICS AT THE SAFETY MIRRORS. HE IS TOTALLY ONE OF US. (Spot the one-thirds photo composition? So perf.)

2. The. Coolest. Selca. Ever. When will your faves?!

1. When he stares deep into your heart and soul, you know he means business. OK FINE WE WILL VOTE FOR YOU.

Know a politician who is giving out witty one-liners on Twitter or who is doing big things on social media? Let us know in the comments below or hit us up on Facebook or Twitter. Also, erm, if you’ve not joined in our social slumber party, grab some lemonade and get in!


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